Thursday, March 09, 2006


After another week of banging my head against a wall trying to get the doctor who wrote me the last prescription to call me back I give up!!! The receptionist I talk to is so rude and I am fairly sure that she is not even passing the messages on. I know she probably just thinks I am a pain in the arse and does not actually care but to me it is the most important thing in the world. Without the Provera to kick start my cycles I have no cycles and no chance of becoming pregnant again. So I took all the bits of paper along to my GPs and spoke to the receptionist there who was brilliant and she said my GP would be in at 10 am and she would get him to sort it out then, and I could call back for it later today!! I am so relieved it is finally going to be sorted out, now I can focus on worrying about getting pregnant and staying pregnant!

I was hoping that I would magically get a normal period without the provera and so save myself 19 days, but surprise surprise it has not happened! My other hope was that I would magically get pregnant with no medication and then would not have to start another long agonizing cycle! But that has not happened either. So I start the Provera again tomorrow.


Blogger Melzie said...

I am trying to have a period without provera as well! I'll know tomorrow... LOL. But my hope- maybe I did get kocked up... we'll see, not holding my breath- that's for sure! :)

3:56 PM  

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