Monday, August 15, 2005

What PCOS means for me.

I hate PCOS every day! The thing I hate most is being classed as 'infertile', seeing other people get pregnant so easily or accidentally even, it makes me mad! For me PCOS means weight gain, not drastic amounts so I guess I am lucky but one day I would like to be a size 12 again! Although the Metformin has appeared to stabilise my weight a little and the arrow is starting to go down rather then up!

Facial hair! I listen to people at work complain about the menopause and getting facial hair and think they are lucky I have had it for as long as I can remember, luckily it is quite fine blonde hair, but ever now and again I sprout a few whiskers. What do you do about it? I pluck the whiskers but I know if I try to remove all the hair on my face it will just grow back thicker and darker, yuck I hate it. Hair in all the places you don't want it sucks! Some days it makes me want to hide.

Tiredness, this is bad and plays a big part in my life, it is only recently I have associated it with the PCOS, since taking Metformin it has improved slightly. I can sleep a lot! On a bad day I will get up at 8am be in bed again at 2pm then get up about 5pm before going to bed at 10pm. And still feel exhausted! In the earlier days I went to the doctors about it and after several blood tests to find out if I was diabetic or anaemic I think the doctor just thought I was depressed, he gave me a questionnaire to fill out with questions on it like 'Have you ever wanted to end your life' I threw the questionnaire in the bin. It just made me feel like a total freak! He had not said what it was about but it was obvious. He did not stop to think it could be due to PCOS, but back then it was pretty much swept under the carpet by my doctors as something that I had but did not affect me.

Depression, that came later really. Probably not directly linked to the PCOS more from my Son being killed and the person doing it getting away with it, but the PCOS is part of the problem or maybe it is my inability to conceive that is the problem.

So that is a bit of what PCOS means for me! I am sure there is more stuff but I can add it later, basically it sucks!


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