Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Day 16 of cycle

I have discovered some cool stuff on the internet, some related to PCOS and some stuff that is a giggle!

Firstly I have joined my blog onto a web ring of sites related to PCOS, there is a link at the bottom of the page. This is really good, I find it helps to read other peoples experiences of it, it helps you realise you are not alone.

Secondly I have (well actually my husband has!) found a cool website where you can just cruise through peoples blogs! It is called blogexplosion, some of the blogs are very funny like one about someone who lives on a diet of chilies! Also one about a man who really does love his sheds I am assuming that his site is meant to be funny, with a website name 'boring tosser' I am sure it can not be for real! It is worth a giggle, and that is my advice for today! Do not take life, PCOS or trying to conceive too seriously find time to laugh often!


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