Saturday, July 23, 2005

2 days after Provera

Not a bad day again today, my mood has definitely lifted since finishing the provera. Also I am sleeping better, the last couple of days on the Provera I had woken very early in the morning stone cold, then within half an hour I was boiling, then stone cold again, so that was waking me up at about 5am. Today I did not wake up until 8.30am which was nice.

We went to Bristol Harbour festival again today since it was so brill yesterday. That was good, there were a lot more people there today and a lot more going on but my favorite part was still the market stalls. Yesterday while we were out we decided to have some lunch so ate in a nice pub. After the meal I thought I would pay a trip to powder my nose before we hiked off some more. So I go in and do the classic squat over the loo that most ladies do whilst out since loo seats are so disgusting - although that is probably why they are disgusting!! So I am balanced over the loo, the loo roll holder (one of those big metal ones, where you can never find the end!) was by my right shoulder, so I eventually found the end of the loo roll and gave it a tug, and the whole lot fell off the wall!!! So I am balanced there trying to hold my dress up, and hold the loo roll holder on the wall with my right shoulder and try to break off a bit of loo roll. I got myself into a bit of a pickle!!

No sign of the blob yet! Although I did get a few period type pains this morning, last time it started 3 days after I finished the 5 days of Provera so hopefully it will start tomorrow. Then the count down begins!!!


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